If you are organizing a trip to Corinaldo, here you will find all the information you need: how to reach us, what are the services offered by the Tourist Information Office, where to stay, where to eat and the itineraries to follow to discover the area.
And thanks to the virtual map you will feel like you already are in Corinaldo!
The Tourist Information Office is there for you, offering hints and tips to help you have a wonderful stay in Corinaldo. Corinaldo is easily accessible by different means of transport. If you prefer the plane the closest stopover is Ancona/Falconara, 40km away. If you travel by train Senigallia (18 km) is your the best choice. The A-14 (motorway exits of Senigallia or Marotta/Mondolfo) is the closest motorway to our city and once in Corinaldo you will park in no time, even if you are driving a camping van.Tourist Information Office
Arriving and parking
Places to eat, places to stay
Whether you want to taste just a few appetizers with a good glass of wine or a long sumptuous dinner rich of delicacies, in the historic centre or in Corinaldo’s countryside, there is plenty of choice for you, among the many restaurants and inns. Very ample is also the range of the accommodation facilities where you can stay, including hotels, bed&breakfasts, camping sites, bungalows, flats and houses for rent.
Typical Corinaldo
If you are gourmets looking for delicacies of all kinds, this is the place for you!
Corinaldo Tipica is a store of local products situated in Corinaldo city centre but you can also check our online store.
Routes and Itineraries
Placed in the beautiful Marche countryside, Corinaldo is the perfect base for your exploration of everything this region has to offer. Many routes and itineraries will guide you up and down the hills to discover fabulous hidden treasures.
Corinaldo, una Città Palcoscenico
This beautiful medieval town surprises the visitors with its events organized throughout the year: wheter is the Reinassance atmosphere of July’s historic reenactment, the gothic one during Halloween’s night or the sophisticated tune of August’s Jazz Festival, every day Corinaldo dresses up with a new tinge.
Hometown Of Saint Maria Goretti
Corinaldo is famous in the Catholic world to be hometown of Santa Maria Goretti, martyred in 1902, when she was just 12 years old and proclaimed Saint on June 24th, 1950. Her birthplace, other than the shrine entitled to her, is worth a visit, within a short distance from the old town.
A Tourist Friendly City
In the field of tourism, Corinaldo stands out on its own, given the numerous international awards won over the recent years and with its rich receptive array of hotels, b&b, agritourism and apartments, it is ready to welcome you all over the year.